Standard Deviation(SD) measures spread
Normal Distribution has a standard unit with avg=0 and SD=1
Multiply by any positive constant
SD,avg,med all get multiplied by that constant. The whole curve gets stretched
Add/subtract a positive constant
SD and avg get added by that value and SD remains the same. Think of it as moving the bell curve to left or right as a whole
Scatter diagram or scatter plots
Corelation coeff(r) tells us how closely two variables are related in terms of a straight line.
It is always between -1(any line with negative slope) and +1(any line with positive slope). A value of 0 means that they are really not related thru a line so it is like a cloud of data.
Add/subtract a positive constant to one or both variables
SD remains the same so r stays the same
Multiply by any positive constant to one or both variables
SU is not changing so r stays the same
Gnaritas = Knowledge;Maximus = Great/Large This blog is dedicated to the Divinity of Knowledge.
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