Cellular Users in 2004 were 2.1 Bil and in 2009 they will go to 2.8 Bil
So till 2009 700 mil new users will be added
Out of that
50% in Asia(India/China mainly),
10% each US,East Europe and Latin America
6 % Africa
3% each Middle East and West Europe
World Penetration of mobile users is 15% in 2001 33% in 2004 will move to 42% in 2009
Datacards in the world will grow from 4 mil in 2004 to 15 mil in 2009 (with 5 mil in US)
Operator Revenue moves from $586 Bil to $713 Bil 2009
In 2009
GSM users will move up from 76 to 82%
CDMA will move from 14 to 17%
WCDMA handset sales as a percent of total handsets sales will increase from 5% in 2004 to 35% in 2009
Gnaritas = Knowledge;Maximus = Great/Large This blog is dedicated to the Divinity of Knowledge.
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