Alfred P. Sloan Jr - The Book of Management Wisdom
Every executive has to recognize that he himself cannot do everything that needs to get done. Until he recognizes that, he is only an individual with individual's power, but after he recognizes that, he becomes, for the first time, an executive, with multiple powers.
One important thing to know about managing is to make men think and act with individual zeal and initiative, yet co-operating with each other.
We have to choose between two types of organizations - Co-ordinated or Consolidated.
In the former policies are made at the top and orders are issues down. In the other, management comes from the bottom up and arouses individual initiative.
The policies in any business must come from the people who are involved with the problem daily and who need to get the things done to overcome that problem.
Almost everything possible in an organization starts from the bottom. That is where it is and will be carried out. Hence it will be carried out sooner if innovation starts there.
The job of a leader is not to formulate all the decisions, but to provide a channel for letting ideas arise out of a day's work.
Of all the business activities, 99% are routine. They do not require management hand holding except in the aggregate.
You will soon realize that problems change rapidly, techniques and products can be transformed; but unfortunately, people change very slowly if at all.
Dr. Brett has these words of wisdom for us.....
Will Power is like a muscle. The more you use it the stronger it gets.
To Change your life change your habits
You can learn a lot just by observing
If you cant figure out your purpose figure out your passion;for your passion will lead you right into your purpose.
Men move mountains by first chipping away and carrying small stones.
Every executive has to recognize that he himself cannot do everything that needs to get done. Until he recognizes that, he is only an individual with individual's power, but after he recognizes that, he becomes, for the first time, an executive, with multiple powers.
One important thing to know about managing is to make men think and act with individual zeal and initiative, yet co-operating with each other.
We have to choose between two types of organizations - Co-ordinated or Consolidated.
In the former policies are made at the top and orders are issues down. In the other, management comes from the bottom up and arouses individual initiative.
The policies in any business must come from the people who are involved with the problem daily and who need to get the things done to overcome that problem.
Almost everything possible in an organization starts from the bottom. That is where it is and will be carried out. Hence it will be carried out sooner if innovation starts there.
The job of a leader is not to formulate all the decisions, but to provide a channel for letting ideas arise out of a day's work.
Of all the business activities, 99% are routine. They do not require management hand holding except in the aggregate.
You will soon realize that problems change rapidly, techniques and products can be transformed; but unfortunately, people change very slowly if at all.
Dr. Brett has these words of wisdom for us.....
Will Power is like a muscle. The more you use it the stronger it gets.
To Change your life change your habits
You can learn a lot just by observing
If you cant figure out your purpose figure out your passion;for your passion will lead you right into your purpose.
Men move mountains by first chipping away and carrying small stones.