Jan 3rd 2008
Iowa Caucus Starts
Iowa Caucus VideoDemocrats - Obama Wins
Republicans - Hukabee Wins
Feb 5th 2008 Super Tuesday
Democrats - Clinton/Obama almost split the delegates(689 vs 582). 2025 Needed to Win
Republicans - John McCain wins most delegates in major states(514). 1191 Needed to Win
Feb 9th 2008
Democrats - Obama wins in Louisiana, Nebraska and Washington as well as in the Virgin Islands.
Repubs - Huckabee
Democra ScoreCard in March 2008
Obama leads in pledged delegates -- 908 to 877 -- but Clinton's superdelegates -- 223 to 131 -- give her the overall lead. Clinton has 1,100 delegates and Obama has 1,039, according to CNN calculations.
Obama - 1039 (908 + 131)
Clinton 1000 (877 + 223)
Democra ScoreCard on June 1st 2008
Obama - 2070 (1741 + 329)
Clinton 1915 (1624 + 291)
Election Process
ScoreCard0. The goal of each candidate is to get the simple majority of the delegates to vote at the National Convention
1. Each state has a Primary or Caucus. Iowa is usually the first state to hold a caucus in the election year.
2. Super Tuesday is the day when most states have a primary of caucus.
3. At these primaries or caucuses, people vote for their preferred presidential candidates
4. The proportion of the votes then decides how many (delegates of each state) that particular candidate wins.
5. These delegates then meet at the Democratic and Republican party conventions to select the final 2 nominees
6. Electoral College then selects one among these 2 finalists